Books & More
We offer access to over 25,000 items including books, e-books, audiobooks, DVDs, magazines and newspapers.
Computers and Wireless Printing
The library also offers public computer workstations, high capacity broadband and wireless internet access. Wireless printing and fax services are also available while in the library, ask a librarian for assistance.
Library Cards
Library cards are available at the circulation desk free of charge and are valid for 3 years. Please bring a photo ID with your current address or a copy of a recent local utility bill. We can provide temporary lending privileges to anyone holding a valid library card linked to Access PA.
- Children under 15 are required to have a parent or guardian sign up for their card. Children ages 16-18 require a valid photo ID.
- Loan Period: 2 weeks for books, audiobooks, magazines. 1 week for DVDs.
- Maximum checkouts: 25 items per card
Learn more about our library cards and how to sign up.
Curbside Service for Checking out Materials and Printing
Not able to come inside? Plan ahead and we can deliver catalog materials or printed documents directly to your vehicle. For more information, see our checklist for curbside pickup.
Fees for Services:
DOCUMENT Printing (for pages with text and a few small images):
– Single sided: $.15 B&W, $.30 color
– Double sided: $.20 B&W, $.50 color
IMAGE Printing (for pages having > ¼ page filled with images):
– B&W: $.25 per side of page
– Color: $.50 per side of page
– Microfilm: $.25 per side of page
– $1.00 per transmitted page up to 5 pages
– additional transmitted pages $.15 each
– incoming faxes are $.15 per page
– double-sided fax is available
– $20/hour for assistance with genealogical research